Saturday, November 06, 2010

last night's dinner party

My friend's long distance boyfriend surprised her with a Friday night fly in.  I've been dying to re connect with a dear & pretty high school classmate.  My sister & brother in law drove up from Oregon for the weekend.  I hadn't worn my enormous fake diamond swoop earrings in a while.  My husband brought home enough chocolate gelato to share.  Time for a dinner party, Friday night style.  
I love my "A" cocktail napkins.

Dan at dinner table

The main course was a kitchen sink style pasta with portabello mushrooms, garlic, bacon and parmesan, among other things.  I'm always happy when I go for fresh pasta, like I did this time.  Worth it.  Also, I roasted carrots, grapes, brussel sprouts, onions and apples with wine and butter.  In my nit picking, I would say that the execution of the food wasn't completely there but the company was swell and Stevie Wonder did a great job as background noise.  Highlights include accepting a gorgeous hostess gift of home made rum infusion with lavender & tangerine (tied to it's cool glass bottle with a Hermes ribbon, thank you Meredith), cutting the bottom of my foot on my rug & having it bleed to the point of me having to wrap my foot (what?! how does one cut their foot on a rug?) and watching Dan shake beautiful cold cocktails with fresh ginger and whiskey.
The appetizer was puffs of pastry with ginger jelly & capers & soft cheese
Hostess gift -- totally perf.
Sweet newlyweds digesting dinner on the sofa.

Me wearing some bling.
beets & radishes & tomato "salad"

1 comment:

Ash after Italian food.

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