Tuesday, February 15, 2011

valentine recap

D is for David.

With yesterday being Feb 14th, and being that my gentle man had the evening off, I celebrated this day-of-love in a cozy & familiar way: eating a sweet, buying a sweater & making dinner. First we drove to Fran's chocolate shop in the pouring rain and I picked out a milk chocolate & smoked sea salt caramel. Heaven. I wore a too tight black mini skirt and my beat up cowboy boots and Dave wore a soft plaid shirt. Just your regular old valentine cowboys looking for a nice piece of candy. Then I suggested I "pop" into Anthropologie. Being that it was Valentine's Day, he agreed, so I entered the shop with thrill & anticipation and mosied around. D gave off the vibe that I should "find" something, (I might of self-created that vibe), but I did find something. (Two things.  Both on super sale.) The big ticket item was a camel colored cardigan with flattering shoulder lines. The tiny ticket item was a single stud earring with the initial "D". It's v cute. We then drove home and I made a flatbread with quince paste & artichokes & a raw milk cheddar, which paired nicely with a beet & tuna & kale & broccoli salad. To drink we had a cocktail of vodka, ginger & blood orange cider. I served the salad in a white heart dish and put straws in our drinks to make it look special. We watched From Paris with Love and I admired John Travolta's facial hair. It was a very nice night and I'm excited about my new Anthro finds.
Valentine salad and vodka cocktails.


  1. The cocktails are super pretty. I want to see post of you in the sweater- perhaps Friday love? And i like the D earring, although you know I'm not a big fan of pirate look w one earring. So that's that. But all in all, pretty cute recap of a cute day. I received three solid chocolate hearts (Godiva), about fist size, from my valentine. Very celebratory. Very indulgent. Wish you were here to help me eat them.


Ash after Italian food.

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