Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial getaway...

Woooonderful long weekend. Hope yours was filled with yummy people & treats. Mine was mostly sunny, drenched in lattes, involved a bear sighting (YES), reaching the top of a snowy summit (by car) ... (brrr), staying at a clean motel, attending a wedding (where my Jets loving husband donned my Turkish pashmina bc he was cold), yes, that's a highlight, eating a mushroom and sherry omelet three times, cheering on my amiga's mad shopping frenzy of re-purposed-cashmere-stuffed animals-for-a- good-cause, drinking the best hot chocolate of mi vida and wearing lots of perfume & pink shoes.  Oh yeah... and drinking wine in a un scuzzy hot tub.  whooop.

1 comment:

Ash after Italian food.

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