Wednesday, May 18, 2011

wednesday wrapping

hi sweet reader. i'm still in a white peony coma of happiness if anyone is curious.  they are astounding and if you spend nine dollars on anything extra this week, i would encourage it to be on a happy bunch of creamy wonderful P E O NI eees.  they're only around for another week or so, (if we're lucky), so walk quickly over to your local grocer.  i actually am just guessing the price, because i got my lovelies for my birthday.  speaking of that, i feel very excited to be twenty nine and have a heavy / happy sense that this should be a "bigger" year than even my 30th ... to start this year off with a bang, my friend joanne gave me a refreshing chemical peel last night.  she believes women should have at least two a year for prevention.  (and she is 40 going on 25 in the skin department, FOR Real.)  this is my second peel ever, and though i know there will be a couple painful days to come, i am THRILLED to be a preventative kinda chica.  typically, peels can be expensive but keep close watch of the daily deals on "groupon" or "living social" and you will find something discounted, i'm sure.

other bits:  
Fox in Spain, 1947.
one of my sweetie pie writers, Paula Fox has an astute and timely review of her work and life in the latest New Yorker.  (btw, she's probably not at all a sweetie, and her work certainly isn't, but i really do like her, mostly because she is surprising and an unlikely talent and her work has limits that she doesn't seem to mind.) anyways, she writes with lots of flint & smarts & I admire her. You could begin to read the article here, or just read Fox.  Start with Desperate Characters.  the pic to the left is featured in the New Yorker article and it was a treat to see.  I never really pictured what she looked like, and it was sort of a thrill to see her look so happy and fresh.

Lulu, age 4, in a Derek Lim piece.  Spotted on hanneli.    Just lovely.
I started swimming again & I really really love it.  Completely random form of exercise for a sweat-focused person like me,  but using a kickboard and making my legs splash and thump around is awesome.  I did not wear this darling suit, but it's sure cute.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're in a peony coma. I'm kind of in a lilac coma down here in Oregon. Miss you. Like your little arrangements w the peonies. Do you feel fresh after the chemical peel? I'm just thinking samantha and sex and the city after chemical peel.... Not good


Ash after Italian food.

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