Saturday, October 30, 2010

Celine Dion names her twins.

The Celine Family out for a walk.
There are no pictures of the new Celine babies, but here is a picture of the fam, minus babies.  I love the names that Celine has picked out for her new boys.  I am startled, actually, by how impressed I am by Ms Dion's newly found skillsz as a namer.  She gave birth earlier this month & is calling the boys "Eddy" & "Nelson".  Eddy is named after a friend of their family, and Nelson is named for Nelson Mandela. These are nice names and they go great together as a set.  Her nine year old is named "Rene Charles".  Like I said, she is a new & improved namer of boys.


  1. I actually liked the name Rene, but you also have to acknowledge that she is French Canadian and Rene is a much more common boy name there than it is here. With that said I haven't seen a picture of that boy in many years and I think he is overdue for a haircut!

  2. I fully acknowledge she is French Canadian. I fully acknowledge that ;)


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